Latest comedy movie trailers

Moana 2

Moana 2

"Moana 2," the sweeping animated musical from Walt Disney Animation Studios, invites viewers on a thrilling journey with Moana, Maui, and an unexpected team of seafarers. Motivated by a surprising call from her wayfinding ancestors, Moana sets out for the remote...

Red One

Red One

When Santa Claus, known by his code name RED ONE, gets abducted, the Head of Security at the North Pole, played by Dwayne Johnson, must partner with the world’s leading bounty hunter, portrayed by Chris Evans. Together, they embark on an adventurous and action-filled...

A Real Pain

A Real Pain

David (Jesse Eisenberg) and Benji (Kieran Culkin), two cousins who couldn't be more different, come together for a trip through Poland in tribute to their cherished grandmother. As they embark on this journey, past conflicts creep back up, stirred by their shared...



"Rumours" weaves together elements of comedy, apocalyptic horror, and melodrama as it explores the antics of seven leaders from the world's major democracies at the G7 summit. These leaders grapple with drafting a response to a global crisis, only to reveal their...



Anora, a sex worker residing in Brooklyn, finds herself on a path reminiscent of a modern-day Cinderella story after she meets and marries the son of a wealthy oligarch. However, the enchantment of her newfound life is jeopardized when word of the marriage reaches...

A Different Man

A Different Man

Edward, a hopeful actor, decides to undergo an extreme medical procedure to alter his looks dramatically. However, his newly acquired dream face soon turns into a haunting nightmare. Struggling as he misses out on the role meant for him, he becomes consumed with an...

Beetlejuice Beetlejuice

Beetlejuice Beetlejuice

Beetlejuice returns! Esteemed director Tim Burton and acclaimed actor Michael Keaton, both Oscar nominees, team up once again for "Beetlejuice Beetlejuice," the eagerly anticipated sequel to Burton's original award-winning classic, "Beetlejuice."

The Killer’s Game

The Killer’s Game

In the action-comedy *The Killer's Game*, seasoned assassin Joe Flood, played by Dave Bautista, finds himself facing a terminal diagnosis and decides to end his life on his own terms by contracting a hit on himself. However, complications arise when the hired killers...

My Old Ass

My Old Ass

In this novel coming-of-age tale, free-spirited Elliott (Maisy Stella) experiences a life-changing mushroom trip on her 18th birthday, leading her to encounter her witty and cynical 39-year-old self (Aubrey Plaza). As Elliott’s older self begins to offer unsolicited...